Content We (the iNOG community) are open to any topic of relevance to our trade, be it anything to do with network technologies all the way through to work-life balance or mental health. Ongoing community feedback has shown that the most successful talks focus on stories from the trenches, demos, new research, or case studies. Keeping presentations non-commercial and relevant to a highly diverse technical audience means that product marketing, recruitment, or sales presentations will not be accepted by the iNOG Programme Committee. Technically our desire is for ‘beginner’ and ‘advanced’ level talks (not necessarily intermediate) which means that there’s always something for everyone in the audience. We also subscribe to and are very serious about our Code of Conduct in relation to talks.
Timing Talk duration can be variable, although it must fall into one of the two categories: Lightning Talk (up to 15 minutes) or Thunder Talk (up to 30 minutes). These slots include allocated time for questions, which are generally 1-5 minutes at the end.
Location So far our events have been in Dublin, Ireland, but we're currently doing virtual only events. We can’t pay for travel, accommodation, or expenses at the moment, so it’s important to reach out to check the proposed dates for future iNOGs (to get a rough idea whether you are going to be in town). Prospective dates and RSVPs.
Examples At iNOG we’ve had everything from first time speakers to industry veterans (and everything in between). We encourage you to come and try out your Lightning Talk even if you’ve never spoken at a Meetup or Conference before! It’s great experience (we’re super supportive) and we help you every step of the way. Check out some previous talks to get an idea by visiting our